Plan miasta Gumuljina

Gumuljina - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Komotini, what is it for a place! - Komotini, Greece - Travel Blog

In this period, a short-lived independent State, the Republic of Gumuljina, was established in Western Thrace. Komotini, was declared as capital City of that state. In 1919, in the Treaty of Neuilly, Komotini was handed back to Greece, ...
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At lunch, Zichen told her two co workers that she was considering going to a new place for her vacation. Feeling more adventurous this year? Ted said. Sinc... Washington's Blog ? U.S. Postal Service Starts Quoting SDR to Dollar ...
źródło: BlogSearch

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2. a book on the Jews of the city of Komotini, (or Gumuljina as it was known in the past). The book is written by the scholar Thrasivoulos Papastratis and appears promising ? the presentation takes place in Komotini. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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